About Rollsroller®

ROLLSROLLER® is a proven technology for flatbed mounting and lamination. More than 11 000 signmakers worldwide are using ROLLSROLLER® daily for efficient sign making and print finishing.

Rollsroller AB is the leading manufacturer and supplier of products and services for flatbed laminators. The company has the proprietary and patented ROLLSROLLER® Flatbed Applicator recognized internationally. ROLLSROLLER® Flatbed applicator poses a technological shift in the sign and printing industry. The company has grown rapidly and established sales in more than 70 countries through an efficient distribution system and business concepts.

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Complete model program of Flatbed Applicators

Explore our models of ROLLSROLLER® Flatbed Applicator


Discover the official ROLLSROLLER online shop
Discover the official ROLLSROLLER online shop


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Calculate your possible profits
Calculate your possible profits

Use ROLLSROLLER ROI Calculator to see your time and money savings.

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Installation manuals old

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Events and news


PRINTING United Expo is THE only place the entire print industry comes together under one roof. Each community within the industry will be represented on the show floor through exhibits, education, and demos:

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5 Reasons to choose ROLLSROLLER

2. We set the standard

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